Episode 19: The courage to do it alone. How to be a single mama warrioress and stick to following your purpose. Interview with Elise Nicole


Episode Description

I believe that our tribe or community shows up when we need them the most. As a podcast host, I have talked to mamas from all backgrounds on this show and one thing that they most have in common is when life brought hardship or adversity, they were propelled to places they never knew previously existed. Almost always for the better. If we can allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable instead of fearful often a community begins to band together around us when we need it the most.

This week’s guest is not Elise Nicole, is not only a true soul mama who whole-heartedly believes in having a like-minded tribe of “seasters” around to bring each other up, she is also a multi-faceted, multi talented mama who believes in raising the vibration of those who she comes into contact with. She savors her community and contributes greatly to inspiring others to live their truth. Even if that means dropping it all and starting over.

Elise is a co-creator for the apparel line Mothersun and the Captain, which was our focus for episode 12, with creator and owner Lindsey Mickleson. Like Linsdey, Elise also is a powerful single mama, who will not be defined by societal expectations, but rather seeks to create a high vibration life for her and her two little ones. She believes that our truth will find us, even if we want to control or change it. Life has a way of bringing in what we need.

In addition to being an authentic and empathetic truth teller, Elise offers oracle card readings, she is a crystal Bowl Sound healing practitioner, a yoga instructor, a birth doula, reiki practitioner, and holds space for women’s moon circles.

Elise raised her babes, Harlow and Taj, around the water in Hawai’i and San Diego and then set off on an RV adventure across the US with the little ones as her co-pilots. Now she lives in Southern Texas where she currently resides.

Elise’s grit is truly inspiring, particularly to those of us who have or are facing adversity and intuitively trying to rise above. Elise is truly passionate about helping people become the most authentic versions of themselves in order to incite peace and joy in the world.


Episode Take-Aways: 

3:00: Elise shares how she was feeling defeated in her relationship and home life and how she kept doing things for others. To the point where her cup felt completely empty. This is where she had to face her biggest fear of possibly doing this alone.

7:16: Elise discusses the scariest time in her life when she started experiencing panic attack so bad that she ended up in the hospital. Because her husband at the time couldn’t show love and empathy during her darkest hour, it only further solidified her inkling that she needed to make a huge life change.

13:43: Elise discusses how even though divorce was the scariest time in her life, she was able to finally start blossoming into who she really was over time.

21:12: How social media is a place where Elise believes people should share their truths rather than a curated lifestyle. Because she was honest in her experience, she found that women reached out to her.

28:41: Although taking the “traditional” job would’ve been the most “rational” thing, Elise decided to stick to following her passion for yoga and helping others intuitively through oracle card readings, and she truly believes in taking the road less travelled to find your truth.

30:41: “Trusting myself and having gratitude have been two of the most potent things for me over the past two years.”

33:55: In regards to finding your purpose-“If you want it bad enough, it will unfold perfectly in front of you.”

41:37: When moms take zero time for themselves, it can build resentment and they can feel lost. Now she makes sure she takes time to practice yoga and meditate, and she invites her kids to join her if they choose to do so. And that is how you teach them presence.

49:18: Elise believes that being a “soul mamma” means “living in your truth and leading by example and continuing to to step into your light more and more so that you’re able to share that with your children.”


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