Episode 2: Don’t just change your body, change your life-mother of twins and fitness extraordinaire Jenny Schatzle


Episode Description

This week’s guest is not only a mama to adorable 10 month old twin girls, who she is already teaching to be empowered little women, but also is such an inspiration in her community that she even has a smoothie at Whole Foods named after her. As a fired up personal trainer who decided to open her own fitness studio in Santa Barbara California 2013 , Jenny has turned her training into a community and nationwide movement.

Her authenticity and straight up hilarious “realness” is what makes Jenny so accessible to new moms and community members alike. Jenny does not believe in the diet craving, body shaming, mom-guilt-ing, in fact her mantra is “don’t just change your body, change your life.” And changing lives is what she does best. 

After admitting her own life wasn’t exactly thriving, she decided that in order to make real physical changes, one must take steps to change their internal world. This, I believe, is what resonates so strongly with everyone she comes in contact with. 

Jenny has been featured worldwide for her message, including giving a TEDx talk in 2016 and 2018 about body image, and truly practices what she preaches.  

After going through the unexpected premature birth of her girls in 2017, one of the scariest moments of her life, Jenny was both humbled and filled with gratitude, as she embarked on a journey that would changed her life. In this episode, Jenny shares with our listeners her story, and her message to new mommies who might still be tempted to seek that fleeting word “perfection”.


 5:29: A few things the postpartum experience has taught Jenny: mothers are so resilient and strong, and how beautiful and difficult the experience of motherhood can be, all at once.

7:44: How social media portrays “perfection” even as parents, and how we need to support each other in our real and raw imperfections.

11:00: It’s our decision whether or not we give our negative thoughts power.

12:01: Finding balance in the imbalance: reflecting on how the idea of finding a “balance” as moms can be detrimental to our joy.

14:44: Jenny reflects on how surrounding yourself by people who push you beyond your comfort zone will take you to places beyond your wildest dreams.

17:06: How creating a community rather than just a gym, was one of the principals Jenny and her business partner lived by when starting the Jenny Schatzle Program. 

18:34: On seizing the moment. We only have ONE life, and if we wait until the kids are grown or when we have “more money” to follow our dreams, the moment is gone and our lives have already passed us by.

21:18: How society views women postpartum and how focusing on our bodies to measure our self-worth is damaging to us as mothers.

22:51: What we will teach our children if we continue to diminish our self worth by focusing only on the number on a scale. Leading by a body positive example is the best gift we can give our children.

23:38: Why society measures self worth by a scale. Jenny talks about how they no longer “weigh in” their clients.

29:06: Be the change we want to see in our lives and our families!. Jenny shares how her mission is to be the catalyst for positivity and self love for her family who often struggled with food and weight.

30:49: How we all have something we are addicted to or that we hide behind to mask our pain. It is through facing the pain head on, that we can find our freedom and joy.

33:31: On why she created her “mom motivation” Facebook group and how reaching out to other mom’s makes a world of difference.

38:04: On why communicating with our partners is so important to aid in the growth of our relationships, especially as new parents.

38:50: On letting go of control as moms, and letting our partners help us!

43:54: On how having twins has helped her and her husband work as a team.

47:30: How moms should OWN who they are LOVE who they are and LIVE who they are.
