Episode 4: Rebelling against perfection as moms-yogi entrepreneur & mama Chyla Walsh shares her story.


Episode Description

This week’s interviewee, Chyla Walsh, is a yoga teacher goddess, mama of a beautiful nine-month old baby girl, and creator of the Female Rebels Program designed to empower and inspire women from all walks of life.  I don’t know if it was her Disney princess long curly red hair, or her illuminating smile and presence, but from the moment I stepped into Chyla’s yoga class, I knew she had something special. You could tell right away she definitely “walks her walk” and practices what she preaches. Yoga for her is more all-encompassing than simply the poses themselves, and she laces each class with rich life lessons and profound reflection. 

Her students would agree wholeheartedly with me, Chyla holds a sacred space for women to bloom, without fear of judgment, competition, or scorn. She is fired up about bravely helping women step into their power and live on purpose and now as a new mommy, hopes to inspire other mom’s to do the same. She wants her daughter to know there is no obstacle too big, or dream too lofty, and that is what she hopes to remind our soul mammas listeners.

Key Take-Aways:

 05:28: On her newfound role of stepmom and how it is shaping her into a whole new person.

07:45: Believing in things divinely orchestrated,  Chyla reflects on how her chance encounter with her now partner, led to the birth of her daughter Satya.

8:44: How having a baby was a catalyst that propelled her to launch the new online version of her business “the Female Rebels” Coaching Program which celebrates women from all walks of life.

11:45: How her program encourages women to bring their unique voices to the world.

12:24: How having a child has been almost a re-birth for herself and how she is inspired creatively by the newfound life force pulsing through her.

14:54: How as moms we should support one another in realizing our dreams

21:34: How we can feel isolated as new moms, especially if we’ve gone through a traumatic birth. In her case, having an emergency C-section & being at home in the beginning.

25:14: How her yoga and practice changed immensely after her daughter was born, and how she is only now able to weave it back into her life more regularly.

29:29: The example Chyla hopes to set for her daughter, and how she wants to her to live out her greatest passions and model “realness” rather than perfection.

31:10: How having a baby has brought more mindfulness and awareness to her body, because the road to healing was timely.

33:45: How we want our children to “do” and “be” everything, but we often don’t model that. As women, we should feel as free to dream as our little ones.


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