Episode 61: How to up our confidence through pre & postnatal fitness, with certified mama coach Kim Perry


Episode Description


I cannot stress the importance of a motherhood community or tribe enough. Why? Because, l have been there. I felt so insular and alone as a new mama and I had no clue just how jarring, sublime, wonderful and exhausting it would all be. One thing in particular I wish I would’ve been better versed in was the physical things I could’ve prepared myself for. For instance, I did see a PT early on in pregnancy for abdominal separation, but only went one time and never really felt supported in how to maintain pelvic floor, and core health during and after pregnancy. After a four day long labor with the baby coming down my back in a posterior position, I can’t help but wonder if it could’ve been prevented with altering my workouts, posture and stretching. 

Today’s guest, Kim Perry, mama of two young daughters, is a prenatal and postnatal certified coach who offers quick at home workouts and actionable tips to her clients. Kim is someone who quit a good job to follow her dreams of being an entrepreneur and she talks about how she had to hustle in pregnancy to pave a life where she works from home and helps other mamas to get fit during pregnancy stay healthy and live out their truest purpose. 

She is going to share with us today about Diastasis Recti, pre and postpartum, pelvic floor health, and how she juggles being a free spirit who doesn’t necessarily love schedules while scheduling a life for her two little ones. She is also going to lead by example on how facing fears led her to a more aligned and exciting life. Not without hurdles along the way.



After having her first daughter, Kim started reassessing the type of job she wanted to work. Entrepreneurship felt more natural to her.

Kim speaks honestly about trying out starting a business from home and then using her second pregnancy as the impetus for helping other moms get fit during pregnancy and postpartum.

Kim never imagined being an entrepreneur because she used to have limiting beliefs about not wanting to charge people, or always thinking she “needed a boss.”

Kim dispels the misconceptions about being a “home-maker and work from home moms.

How building a business doesn’t happen over night. Kim recollects how she spent two and a half years building a business before she could confidently step out of the position she was in.

Often women feel isolated in pregnancy and postpartum when wanting to get back to exercise and they feel so alone.

The importance of mentors and coaches. Kim utilizes a business coach which she admits saves saving  years of research and trial and error.

The importance of morning routines for Kim and her business and life.

The importance of living a fulfilled life and how it affects our children.


Memorable Quotes

“I think it took having to become a mom and have a baby to realize or to start exploring; “What is it that I, that I want? What, kind of job and what kind of career do I want?”

“If I’m going to spend time away from my daughter and I’m paying someone to watch her, I better be doing something that lights me up and is making me extremely happy, because it’s not worth the sacrifice. It’s not worth it.”

“Then the light bulb went off and I was like, wait a second-I should share what I experienced to other mamas.”

“Having a morning routine is the biggest thing for me because if I can stick to that, I’m setting myself up for a more productive day.”

“When you are feeding desire to do the thing that you want to do, you’re going to be a better mom. You’re going to feel better because you are fulfilled and you’re passionate about what you’re doing.”

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