Episode 70: Why it’s so important to follow our inner fire, with master mompreneur April Beach


Episode Description

Today’s mama does not define herself by societal conventions. . .


In fact she is a self professed swearer and un-crafty mom who is impassioned by helping women design their business and develop world class programs so they can aligned lives of their own creation.

April Beach, mom of three sons and lifelong entrepreneur, has coached entrepreneurs and mompreneurs for 22 years to develop world class programs and businesses that have changed the world. 

She believes in the fire that exists within all of us and that with grit, persistence and purpose we can craft the life we want to live. April did not want to compromise her time with her family by working in a job that she felt lukewarm about so she intentionally built her business around a life of freedom, travel and family-minded activities. Like me, April isn’t a natural born cook or gardener and instead likes to fuel her life with what she feels born to do-teach, lead and coach. She admits we don’t all fit into one “mom box” and that it’s totally more than okay.

April, who literally was on her own at age 13, has owned 4 companies, written two books, created a whole new industry consulted corporations. 

April has take courageous leaps and followed her heart, even when faced with situations that could’ve paralyzed her with fearToday she is gong to share about tapping into the fire within each and every one of us. She’ll share about not seeking societal accolades, but instead deriving confidence from within. She also wisely reflects on how we shouldn’t seek perfection, but instead alignment with who we really are.

Take Aways

  • How April challenged the status quo as a mother

  • Why she is passionate about women developing businesses that they are passionate about

  • How being on her own at 13 was one of the best things for her as an entrepreneur

  • She didn’t want to compromise her time with her kids by working in a career she was lukewarm about.

  • How her mother poured everything into everyone else and completely burned out.

  • How she learned valuable lessons in self care from her own mother’s experience with not caring for herself

  • What self care looks like to April

  • The importance of the outdoors for Self Care

  • What courage means to April


Memorable Quotes

“The more different things I do to challenge myself, the more grit I get.”

“I remember from a young age wanting to teach my kids to adventure- just like my parents.”

“I always knew when I became a mom I always knew I would. . . re-create some things and challenge the status quo with some things. ” 

“It took me becoming a mom to learn lessons about protecting myself, and learn that I matter too.” 

“Self care has looked different for all stages of motherhood for me.”

“Self care is also about putting myself back in as many outdoor environments as possible.”

“I’m really into my kids seeing me fail if they need to.” 

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