Episode 72: What courage really means, with survivor CBS runner up, single mama, & professional river guide Kelly Wiglesworth


Episode Description


Soul Mamma’s are warriors and survivors. Today’s guest is a survivor in every sense of the word.

As a two time competitor on Survivor; Runner- Up CBS Survivor Season 1 Borneo/ Season 31 Cambodia; bad ass single mama Kelly Wiglesworth knows what grit, passion and courage look like. Heck, she literally had to use those skills to “survive.” 

As a woman who has spent a lifetime pushing her physical and mental limits, and who has also lived “off the grid”in rural Mexico (where she gave birth to her son without medical assistance), motherhood has still been the biggest trip of all.

Her life has been full of contrasts.As someone who has both lived the Hollywood life (as a host for E Entertainment television and who has been featured in People Magazine, Teen Vogue, Seventeen, and Women’s Health) and lived off the grid without modern conveniences, Kelly is about as well versed and multi faceted as it gets.

One thing I really appreciate about Kelly is her self reflectiveness and honesty.

As a single mother, she has chosen to dedicate her life to raising her son to be a strong, adventurous, kind and respectful man. Kelly is quite the athlete-always pushing herself to be in top physical and mental shape. A Class V whitewater rafting/kayak guide, logistics coordinator, trip leader, gear manager, safety kayaker, surfer and yogi-this mama really loves to push her boundaries and face her fears.

Kelly believes being a Soul Mamma means living from your heart and “soul” Being a good example to my child and teaching him to following his dreams and passions no matter what the obstacles or how many setbacks life throws…to never give up and to be your authentic self…to stand up for your beliefs.

Kelly and her son Rio take on the world together in their humanitarian efforts by bringing clean drinking waters to countries in need. She feels that Rio is a natural born humanitarian who has so much inspiration to offer the world at six years old. Although she doesn’t have much “free time” so to speak, she revels in the spaces in between and enjoying her adventurous life with her son by her side.

Take Aways

  • Her dedication to the outdoors and river rafting prior her Survivor experience

  • How she was born to never say “no” to a challenge

  • What being on a show like Survivor taught her about herself

  • How she didn’t do much slowing down in pregnancy & looking back could’ve taken time for herself

  • Why courage has more than one meaning in her life

  • Returning to Survivor when Rio was a toddler and how it re-vamped her confidence/courage

  • Why single parenthood isn’t easy, but extremely fulfilling

  • How she believes even little kids have so much to offer the world.

  • How her and Rio take on the world together in their humanitarian efforts


Memorable Quotes

“It was only 39 days on Survivor in Borneo, but this is the longest- it felt like three years there.”

“I never bought into this like, oh, you have to completely stop doing everything and being all that you are to be a mom.”

“Why can’t you still sort of be you and do the things you like to do and now you have a buddy to do them with?”

“I can do these things and I can have these experiences and now show him and share that with him and see the wonders of the world sort of unfolding in his eyes.”

“I’m a guide. That’s what I do. If it’s on a surfboard, or on a river, or in a yoga studio. And now with my son, that’s my greatest pleasure- guiding him through these adventures and through life.”

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